951.849.4442  information@cabazonwater.org  After hours emergencies: 951.849.3365

Helpful Links

California Drought Portal - drought.ca.gov

California Water News Daily - www.californiawaternewsdaily.com

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California - www.bewaterwise.com

Banning Heights Mutual Water Company - www.bhmwco.com

Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District - www.bcvwd.org

City of Banning, California - Water Department - www.ci.banning.ca.us/193/Water-Division

City of Calimesa - www.cityofcalimesa.net/index.htm

High Valley Water District - www.highvalleyswater.com/index.html

Mission Springs Water District - www.mswd.org

San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency - www.sgpwa.com

San Gorgonio Pass Regional Water Alliance - www.passwateralliance.com

South Mesa Water Company - www.southmesawater.com

Yucaipa Valley Water District - www.yvwd.dst.ca.us

County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Office - https://voteinfo.net/

Low Income Household Water Assistance Program - https://capriverside.org/ 


Government Compensation in California (GCC) report to the State Controller's Office (SCO)














In The News

Our Regular Board Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, at 6:00 pm, unless rescheduled by the Board.

Please call 978-990-5321, Access Code: 117188 to participate in the meeting via teleconference. You may also attend in person.

Our next FAC Board Meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 18 at 5:00 pm.

Please call 978-990-5321, Access Code: 117188 to participate in the meeting via teleconference. You may also attend in person.

Our next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 18 at 6:00 pm. 

Please call 978-990-5321, Access Code: 117188 to participate in the meeting via teleconference. You may also attend in person.

Please note: we are only able to accept cash, checks and money orders for payments in the office. You can pay by credit or debit card online.

CUSTOMER NOTICE: beware of making online payments through a doxo.com website - Doxo is a third-party website that allows people to pay their utility bills via their site. They may charge the customer extra fees, the payments made through doxo are not guaranteed to arrive at our District in a timely fashion, and may not prevent fees, penalties, and/or shutoffs due to late or non-payment. Online payments should only be made through the District's website, www.cabazonwater.org, through the "Customer Account Access" tab. Doxo is not affiliated with the Cabazon Water District, although it may appear so.

Water restrictions

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Meet Us

14618 Broadway Street, Cabazon, CA 92230



Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Friday - Sunday: CLOSED


Access current account information and bill history. Manage multiple properties in one place. Click below to log on to your account or to register a new account. For detailed instructions click here.

Customer Access
In case of emergencies,
call immediately:

After hours emergencies:951.849.3365